Don’t trust Steinmeier and his racist big-money-party

Letter to my friends in Indonesia:

Please do not trust German Foreign Minister Steinmeier, who is now in Indonesia to tell you lies!

Mr. Steinmeier want you to learn „German“, because „the money“ want cheap slave-workers for Germany.
Germany is not the future, the future is in Asia!

At same time Mr. Steinmeier tell you „learn German“, german VIP-politician  Renate Künast from the german green party tell the Germans: „Integration is, if you learn Turkish“. You see? Germans shall learn Turkish for living in Germany, but they want you to learn german? They want betray you, it is only a trick the Goethe-institute can steal your money.

Steinmeiers political party is named „SPD“, and the „S“ stands for „shit“ only.
Do not allow this man and his party to bring you into the cheap and sinking german shit, be proud and stay in rising Asia.

Steinmeier and other german politicians lie to you, you cannot trust in people who not give Visa to the wifes and loves of german citizens (they not give Visa for MY southeast-asian love to visit me), but give Visa too much for terrorists and their friends, and the german minister of justice take care to support safe the lifes of german terrorists who behead woman and children in Syria and Irak. The german minister of justice from Steinmeiers party want „help“ those people with much money to return safety to Germany.

Don’t trust Steinmeier, don’t learn German, better learn Korean and Japanese and English.
A man like Steinmeier is not good for Germans like me who have asian love,
so sure he is not good for YOU, too.

Please excuse my poor English! I make the mistake to learn German, when I had the bad luck to be reborn in Germany this time.


Über Hessenhenker

Ich bin ein Künstler, wenn auch mit 1,78 m kein großer.
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6 Antworten zu Don’t trust Steinmeier and his racist big-money-party

  1. alphachamber schreibt:

    „…Germany is not the future…“
    Dear Miesmaker,
    you are heavy on the woodway! German is zee language of all vree democratic Europeans and our wish to learn dönerisch just shows, dat we are now willing to behave like good world citizens and keen to integrate with all fellow humans – from your headhunters to the black Jews of South Africa.
    Through warmly welcoming all the highly educated doctors and rocket-scientists of Romania we are schur to develop into the nation with the richest and dumbest, but very equal motherf… of this pissful planet.
    Honestly yours


  2. alphachamber schreibt:

    Absolutely not. Your english is very good. I am just unhappy about your bad attitude towards our „great leaders“. Look at the poor people of Africa. Without our capable politicians we would be worse off than them 😀


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