Die Buchecke

„Auch aus Steinen, die man Dir in den Weg legt, kannst Du noch etwas Schönes bauen“. Erich Kästner

„Hiermit zerreißen wir die Schriften von Erich Kästner“. Nicht belegt, aber denkbares Zitat einer unbekannte Fetzenfotze beim Zerreißen von Hessenhenkers Sammlung, März 2013

„Mach was!“ Joseph Beuys auf einer politischen Veranstaltung zum Kunstleugner Hessenhenker

Ok, ich mach ja schon:


Über Hessenhenker

Ich bin ein Künstler, wenn auch mit 1,78 m kein großer.
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23 Antworten zu Die Buchecke

  1. .....freak schreibt:

    This looks really cool.


  2. .....freak schreibt:

    where did my comment go?


  3. #merkelshandy schreibt:

    Before that I said it looks really cool, but the comment disappeared. So I try again


  4. Tutsi schreibt:

    Hallo Schätzgen!
    Ich stand am Samstag, 26.10.13, um ca. 14.00 h vor deiner Tür und habe geklingelt aber du warst wohl nicht da?!
    Wollte dich mal persönlich kennenlernen, wo du doch so kreativ bist wie man an dem Foto mal wieder sieht!
    Hast in deiner Kindheit wohl oft mit Lego oder Bauklötzen hantiert, sieht man gleich und die Farbgestaltung ist auch recht nett!
    Süßer, na, wann können wir uns mal bei dir treffen, da kann ich dir mal zur Hand gehen, wenn du verstehst?
    Gisselberger Str.10! Und nicht 10a bei so einer wirren, kleinen vergnommten Oma mit Brille und schriller Stimme!
    „Den gibt’s hier nich und der wohnt hier nich!“ wurde mir da entgegengeschrien!
    Du kleiner Schelm!!!


  5. Handy-Kanzlerin is handy schreibt:

    O_o Okay. That’s the Holy Shit Comment of the Month right up there.
    Du kleiner Schelm…. sounds about right, but „Schätzgen“ ? omg
    btw, I saw that some news people are referring to the scandal between our 2 insane National Leaders „Handygate“. LOL How about QuitCallingScandalousThingsGateGate? Plettigate
    Brandeschlaggate, AAKeniaTripgate, TornKarlLagerfeldgate NaughtyBischofgate and now SchätzgenBucheckegate.

    Hey…how many lovers do you have anyways? omg don’t really tell me.


  6. Handy-Kanzlerin is handy schreibt:



  7. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    I not know these „Schätzchens“ and „Schelms“.
    I love my love only.


  8. Frank Fester schreibt:

    Schade, eine Nussecke wäre mir lieber gewesen…


  9. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    Die Buchecke ist aucn nicht zum Reinbeißen gedacht!


  10. Screaming Oma is screaming schreibt:

    Good. The Puritan is pleased to see your Virtue and Faithfulness.
    Perhaps that lady who told you to „find a German“ and not go „buy a Thai“ has decided to send Harlots around to your door. perhaps a parade of various types will assault your door day and night – until one finally appeals to you. The Screaming Oma will be busy.


  11. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    I not „buy a Thai“. The Thai buy me!

    Gefällt 1 Person

  12. hubert der freundliche schreibt:

    Yes, here in Marburg is just dulling of people’s minds gate.


  13. Screaming Oma is screaming schreibt:

    LOL Hubert.
    But they must be dulled. If not, the population could not have this festival. „Marktfrühschoppen“ which I am sure means „Waiting For Something To Happen Festival“. It seems there are a few important events during the day, but each looks quite like the others so you have to observe carefully or you will think no one moved all day.
    First, everyone gathers in a central location and does their best Waiting For Something To Happen pose. Singles, doubles and small group categories display at the same time
    Then, a band plays a song with several verses, in the most slow manner possible. No song can ever be played slower, this is it.
    After that, people start talking very rapidly all at once, more rapidly than anyone ever thought German could be spoken. And of course without listening at all.
    Then comes the Annual Jazz Massacre in which some guy grabs a horn and kills, but not in a good way.
    Next, everyone puts on a pancake-shaped hat and refuses to stop singing even when the band doesn’t want to deal with it anymore. This continues until most of the band members die.
    Finally, in a last burst of excitement and drama, people face each other with cameras and photograph each other photographing each other.
    The lust-filled Bacchanal is over for another year, and everyone wakes up the next morning with an enormous headache and wonders what naughty naughty things they may have done, but can’t remember. All the people of Marburg spend several days with feelings of shame, over what beasts they must have become during the Festival. Only people on Youtube know the truth. Nothing Happened.


  14. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    @Screaming Oma is screaming

    Oh my god!
    Now I am traumatized.
    You post a Rheinfranken-Video.
    Rheinfranken are . . . like the Yankees in the War between the States, did you not know?
    Look – they have blue hats. Same Yankees.


  15. Screaming Oma is screaming schreibt:

    I actually have no idea what that fest is about. I saw ni he list of videos they have been doing a similar thing since 1930 at least. Old photos of guys in hats sitting for hours at long tables. wtf. Waiting for Hitler? I have no idea. But a few weeks ago I watched a few videos about Marburg, to see how it looks there. Now if I go to Youtube I always get more Marburg video suggestions in the sidebar. I don’t watch them all but yesterday I watched this one below
    I think it proves you have weird shit going in in your drains for sure. Just like you said. maybe Nazis who break windows, maybe steaming pits of hell. maybe screaming House-Omas. We don’t know.


  16. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    OK, ultimatum now:
    until tomorrow afternoon I want, the state of Germany or the AXA buy my „Buchecke“ for 300.000 €.
    If not, I start „Götterdämmerung“ at Halloween.


  17. That Damn American schreibt:

    Is that where you dress up in an Iron Hat and yellow braids ? And fly through the sky screaming?
    Or maybe…just dance a little ? For 300.000 € ? o_o


  18. hubert der freundliche schreibt:

    OmG, die Amis haben schon’ne blühende Fantasie, was haben denen denn die Eltern für Gute-Nacht-Geschichten erzählt? Kein Wunder hören die in der Welt alles und jeden ab, um ihre Paranoia zu befriedigen.


  19. That Damn American schreibt:

    Paranoia is never satisfied. If it was Obama would not be inside Merkel’s handy. But I am not sure why you write about „fantasie“ here, was it because I stalked AA? I looked at his cat? LOL I was only trying to be nice – he wants to be the most famous Hessen, and honestly no one here in the US gives a shit about that. So I thought well! I can at least look at his Facebook page, and then for one minute a person across the ocean will be seeing AA. That was all I could do, give him One American Eye for One Facebook Minute. Now the World returns to not knowing who AA is. Only you guys. And his cat. But I don’t think you can say a person has paranoia and imagination if they see a guy‘ shit on Facebook. he put the sit there to be looked at. So, I did. But i did not send AA a friend request because I knew it would make HIM feel paranoid. LOL
    btw I tried to remember what my own bedtime stories were. I can’t remember being read to by parents. I learned to read early and so the parents I think said „Do it yourself!“ I only remember once reading Hop On Pop to my Father, I liked Hop On Pop and I think it put Old Dad right to sleep. But yes, as you say, it probably made me the criminal I am today. 9I am writing this from inside a Maximum Security Women’s Prison) So do not play this video or you will become an American Psycho too.


  20. hubert der freundliche schreibt:

    Hier wird es doch deutlich, Kindergeschichten mit misteriösen Aliens. Wenn das normal sein sollte, dann ist Amerika schon von den Auserirdischen infiltriert.


  21. Jahrgangsbester schreibt:

    Das soll Kunst sein? Einige von den Büchern sind ja kaputt!


  22. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    Sie sind alle zerrissen und außerdem sind auch Seiten rausgerissen.
    Steht doch im Text: das sind die Steine, die mir irgendeine saudumme verblödete sich für schlau haltende Fetzenfotze in den Weg gelegt hat.


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