US-Bürger wollen keine Hessen sein

Bei solchen Äußerungen der Bevölkerung muß Obama wohl alleine in den Krieg gehen:

„We are not the Hessians, our children and money will not be sent to fight the wars of others.“

Für Dumme und Politiker in einfachen Worten erklärt:
das ist eine Anspielung auf die vom Landgrafen von Hessen-Kassel zur Unterstützung der Briten nach Amerika geschickten Soldaten. „Die Hessen“ ist in Amerika ein geflügeltes Wort seitdem. Wenn man genau nachzählt, sind es sogar zwei Worte.

So gesehen, wollen selbst die Hessen heute keine „Hessen“ mehr sein. Auch Daniel Cohn-Bendit von den Grünen kann also alleine gehen. Und tschüss!

Über Hessenhenker

Ich bin ein Künstler, wenn auch mit 1,78 m kein großer.
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18 Antworten zu US-Bürger wollen keine Hessen sein

  1. marie schreibt:

    Cohn-Bendit ist doch kein Hesse. oder doch ? tarnt er sich ?


  2. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    War beim SPD-Bürgermeister von Frankfurt/Main Dezernent für irgendwas und ging auf die Odenwaldschule. Ich freß einen Berliner, wenn das nicht hessisch ist!


  3. Anders Arendt schreibt:

    Ist er nicht halber Franzose oder so was in der Richtung? Ist er denn nun pädophil? Oder war es nur irgendwann mal?


  4. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    Er ist ein Grüner, was kann es Schlimmeres geben?
    Hier der Link zu zwei Bildern eines 9jährigen Mädchens in Syrien,
    eines vor und eines nach dem Einmarsch der vom Westen unterstützten „Kämpfer“ auch aus Deutschland:

    Aber wahrscheinlich war sie nur provozierend gekleidet?


  5. IP schreibt:

    I think we are in for a very ugly time here in the U.S. as Obama puts on his Great Syria Show. it will become a real circus I am afraid. I wish Obama would be alone, but he won’t be, he will have every politician making speeches and every camera and every talking-head going on forever about this garbage. Right now the headlines are all about how Evil People are laughing at Obama because he is weak to not drop bombs, and how the poor rebels feel upset because Obama promised the bombs and they are sad now no bombs have come. To them I would s ay fuck you, we have more and more austerity here each day, and you want our tax money to go not to fixing broken things here, but for your fucking bombs? STFO. But of course it is all a show – the poor „rebels“ begging for Bomb Love from Daddy Obama. It’s all shit. Only to change the minds of people to think OMG! we must bomb! when no one wants to.
    In the old days they would call it propaganda, now they call it „News“. Blaargh. It’s very sad.

    But as for the Hessians – Yes, my friend, you have it perfectly. I told you about the remark of course because to me it was funny (stupid?) that in 2013 people here might talk as if Hesse is still the same as 2 centuries ago? First, because most people here are not such good students of history as that, to even know what „Hessian“ means. History often skips over things, maybe there is too much History now for children to learn, I don’t know.
    But, when I see photos in the Marburger OP and so, people look quite the same. LOL this is not good. Every time a large group gathers here in some public place (even parents in the school hall on Parent Night) omg! I always think first..Everyone looks like they need a bath! Same @ you people XDDD
    The only difference is that Germans, even the older ones, look a bit „avant-garde“ in some way. Perhaps if a person wears glasses, they are of a style not seen so much here, or perhaps a haircut. It is hard to describe the essence if it, but I would have to say like an up-dated Beatnik thing. That is the best I can do. Of course, when Herr R. runs amok, he is very very avant-garde. LOL
    Hello AA. How are you? Still mad? Still eating ear wax? Okay good. In a crazy, chaotic world it’s nice that some things never change.
    p.s. 2
    I like the cute figure in Marie’s avie. HH avie is also so cute


  6. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    @ IP
    Your avie is very cute, too. 🙂


  7. IP schreibt:

    HH, I looked at the link you have above. I don’t know if I told you this or not, but I understand Spanish and I read and I understand the entire article, I don’t need help from any Online Translator for this. Of course the photo was a shock and makes a person feel sick. Both of my daughters have decided not to have children ever. it is a bad world for children. And very little hope for change.
    Would it be nice to hear that the American people will rise up and not support this kind of thing? Yes, it would be nice. But I think it has all gone too far. Some things and some people can not be stopped. We still have „voting“ here, but the people who rule and make the decisions seem to live in a world of their own, very far from the rest of the people. It’s a strange world we are in now.


  8. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    It is time for the invasion from outer space.


  9. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    @ IP
    There are „holy warriors“ from Germany there and kill people in Syria.
    btw, the newspaper here write they are „Germans“.
    All these „Germans“ get Visa for Germany all the time.
    My love not get.
    Thanks to Mr. Westerwelle and other BORING man in Politics.


  10. Anders Arendt schreibt:

    Schreib bitte in deutscher Sprache, sonst finden es bald alle langweilig, hier zu lesen. Die meisten verstehen kein Englisch. Wann passiert denn nun am Montag, dem 9.9.?


  11. IP schreibt:

    If there was an invasion from Outer Space our world leaders would have no ability to work together to save us. They will not remember how to think simply and clearly. BTW the TV show I referred to in the Note is so good. I don’t watch TV, I have no shows I get devoted to. Some I see are good, but I don’t LOOOOOVE them. But Falling Skies is my favorite show of all time. I am crazy about it. So many characters are sooo good, good writing, great actors. I love Maggie. But my very favorite is John Pope. omg ! It is the kind of show where you love the people more each year. I watch for free online, you can also unless Germany is blocked. If you want to try it, Note me and I’ll send the links.
    Greatest.Show. Evaaaaaaar. And almost no fan arts of it, WTF
    BTW # 2 You might think this is funny- Earlier I thought you were faking AA. That he was not real. I did a search and then I see this bullshit from 2012.
    It was a real What The Fuck moment in my life. Holy Shit. It’s real. I Believe. @_o
    I also see that a man named Johann Rainer Wiegand was a candidate for Mayor of Amoneburg in 2005. You run for Mayor, then when you see that is boring, you run amok, LOL


  12. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    Wie denn, „die meisten verstehen kein Englisch“?

    Meine bezaubernden indonesischen Leserinnen verstehen kein Deutsch.
    Same same the rest of the world. LOL


  13. Hessenhenker schreibt:

    Sometimes mayors runs out. LOL
    Especially the BORING ones.


  14. IP schreibt:

    Si yo hablo solamente en Aleman cada dia, el Arendt no podría comprender ninguna palabra! Tan insensitivo! Es el Hijo de La Chingada – primero, segundo, y hasta el fin del eternidad. Pues, creo que AA no le gusta a ver HH hablando con otros amigos. Esta tan triste cuando su tesoro Juan Rainer tiene conversaciones con otra. Pobrecito! Cuantos lagrimas estas tu llorando! Su corazon esta rompiendo!

    bIjatlh ‚e‘ yImev ! naDevvo‘ yIghoS !
    (that is Klingon for Shut up and Go away)


  15. IP schreibt:

    I must apologize to any native Spanish speakers for the way I mixed my familiar and formal types of address. I now see mistakes in my other comment. Hay muchos anos que he no hablado el Espanol. And as you see I have no tilda or accento on my keyboard. Also, Hello to the Charming Indonesian Readers. It is nice to see HH has a warm and friendly International Community here. All the world loves a good Hangman!


  16. Mardorfer schreibt:

    Schreib doch endlich alles über das abgebrannte Haus in Chinesisch, Hessenhenker.
    Damit endlich Ruhe ist.


  17. IP schreibt:

    LOL Mardorfer


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